First Knitting Frustration-too many stitches

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So as I mentioned previously, I making a scarf for my niece. I’m using size 10 needles and I cast on 14 stitches. I decided on 14 through trial and error until I got a width I liked. I’m using a baby alpaca chunky yarn, it’s 100% baby alpaca and it’s from Cascade Yarns. Here’s the back of the tag, I thought it would be a good idea to keep it so I can remember how many yards there were and so I have reference for color number and lot number.

AHHH knitting frustration! As you can see..

some how I managed to catch more stitches than what I cast on in the beginning! I did this while sitting in the back seat of a car half paying attention to the conversation and half paying attention to my knitting. I didn’t notice it until I got and knitted many rows so I have decided that at the end of each row I’ll just catch two stitches each time until I get to my original number and the scarf will just have a little extra bulge to it. That’s the beauty of homemade, right?