
Ceviche Recipe

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I love ceviche! It’s one of those fish dishes that got me on the road to liking fish and seafood. This is one of those recipes however where you don’t have leftovers because the acidity in the juices will continue to cook the fish turning it into mush. Whatever isn’t eaten should be thrown away which is why you serve it with other things like guacamole.

Prep time: How fast can you chop?

Cook time: ~ 40 minutes


  • 1 tilapia fillet, chopped into small cubes
  • 1/2 cup of fresh squeezed lime juice
  • 1/2 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/2 red onion, finely diced
  • 1-2 chopped fresh seeded vine tomatoes
  • 1 chopped bell pepper, no color preference
  • 1/2 jalapeño pepper, chopped and 1/4 of the seeds (to taste, want heat? add more seeds! don’t like things hot? add only a couple of seeds)
  • Salt to taste
  • Cilantro to taste, stem removed and chopped

Will be served with:


1. In a glass bowl with lid, like a Pyrex, combine equal parts tomatoes, onion, and bell pepper. Next add the jalapeño. Mix well with a spoon.


2.  Add cilantro and mix. Then add the salt to taste. The salt is to take some of the sweetness away from the lemon and lime juice.

3. Add the tilapia and mix well.

4. Add the lime and lemon juices making sure to throughly coat the fish. The acidity in the juice is what cooks the fish. Stir and cover with lid.


5. Place the bowl in the fridge for about 40 minutes, stirring halfway between. The fish should go from clearish to white.

6. Enjoy! I like to eat my ceviche by scooping onto tortilla chips with guacamole on the side.


7 Layer Dip Recipe

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A party favorite of mine is 7 Layer Dip. Granted mine has eight layers, sometimes nine but 7 layer dip sounds better than nine layer dip to me.

Here is what is needed, but amount depends upon how big of a plate you’re putting it on.

  1. Refried Beans
  2. Guacamole 
  3. Sour Cream
  4. Salsa, I like to use mild
  5. Tomatoes, chopped
  6. Green Onions chopped
  7. Ground beef with taco seasoning (sometimes I omit this)
  8. Shredded Cheese, I prefer cheddar and more specifically a blend of mild and sharp cheddar
  9. Cilantro, chopped

On a plate spread and layer each ingredient in order as it is listed above. Serve with a bag of tortilla chips.


guacamole recipe

My Guacamole Recipe

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guacamole recipeOne thing I love is chips and dip, especially tortilla chips and guacamole! But I find it difficult to find good guacamole at grocery stores. One time I accidentally bought guacamole flavored dip! So it wasn’t real! It was full of randomness and things I couldn’t pronounce that didn’t need to eat. I made it a mission to make my own. Here is the guacamole recipe that I came up with, with the help of my husband. 🙂


  • avocados
  • tomato, chopped and without seeds
  • onion, chopped
  • cilantro, chopped
  • juice of half of a lime
  • olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper


  1. Peel, remove seeds, and mash avocados in a small to medium bowl
  2. add tomato, onion, cilantro, olive oil and lime juice to avocado and mix
  3. season with salt and pepper and stir into dip

I usually do 2 large ripe avocados, if they’re still hard, it’s difficult to make dip, so go for the ones that are a bit mushy. I also use one roma tomato, half of a small red onion and a handful of cilantro before it’s chopped. But the amount of all of the ingredients completely depends on your own taste and the amount you want to make.